In this section, we take a quick look at the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam, more specifically at some key strategies you can adopt to score the best grade you can. As well as this, we will glance at the structure of the exam itself.
In this section, we take a quick look at the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam, more specifically at some key strategies you can adopt to score the best grade you can. As well as this, we will glance at the structure of the exam itself.
So, you find yourself sat down in front of the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam paper – now what? Will panic and exam anxiety set in? What about everything you learned? Do you even recall all the effort you put in? This type of doubtful questioning will hamper your overall exam result, which is why you need to make the effort now to prevent it. In terms of the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam, you will need to understand a wide variety of vocabulary and, consequently, success can only result with long-term preparation. In fact, its preparation en masse that eliminates exam anxiety, as your preparation will lead you to know what to expect and how to react to it.
In this blog, we will take a look at a couple of ASVAB Word Knowledge exam strategies, while also taking a brief look at how you should prepare in the weeks and months ahead. It’s crucial, though, that you appreciate the need to begin this preparation early, as you will not be able to cram the night before for this particular exam.
In the computerized test format, you are expected to answer 16 questions in 8 minutes. This works out at approximately 30 seconds per question. As you’ve probably realised – that isn’t much time at all! A concerted defined strategy is what’s required to maximize every second you have. One such strategy involves answering ASVAB Word Knowledge questions under the same exam conditions. In other words, you should try to answer 16 such questions in 8 minutes and see how you fare. If you require ASVAB-style questions, take a look at our study guides for more information. The questions in our study guides have been specifically designed with the ASVAB test in mind, the exact style you can expect on the day of your exam.
In the meantime, though, try to appreciate the value this confers to your exam strategy.
If you take a quick look at our program after reading through this guide you will find hundreds of such questions – all designed specifically for the needs of the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam. When placed under such strict conditions, you are forced to adapt and learn, and this is a transferable ability you can employ in every other ASVAB test situation. In terms of the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam, though, let’s also acknowledge the need to have access to study materials that teach you the vocabulary you need to learn, as well as equipping you with the tools to answer the questions in a reasoned way.
Success at your ASVAB Word Knowledge exam means preparing well in advance. This is achieved through reading, writing, and participating in self-assessment quizzes.
This is something our ASVAB program deals with in more detail, but we can sketch out some of the ideas we have in mind. You could, for example, read and write that little bit more. Yes, some of you might find reading a little bit dull, but you can tailor what you read to make things that much more interesting. After all, you wish to enlist in the US military, so you must have some interest in this subject. Why not take the time to read more about the military on-line, or perhaps get your hands on a local military magazine. You will, therefore, become more familiar with military vocabulary, all the while enhancing your linguistic abilities.
When it comes to writing, again, try to be imaginative in what you find interesting. You could, for example, set up a free on-line blog. Nobody has to read it, of course, as you could have it set to private, but the point is that you have the opportunity to practice the use of vocabulary you learn. The more you practice words, the more likely you will retain them for use. If, however, you only read the meaning of words, you are less likely to impregnate that word in your mind. All in all, reading and writing are complementary strategies to help you improve your vocabulary. In conjunction with our study guides, vocabulary, and quizzes, you will be all set to pass your ASVAB Word Knowledge exam without and difficulties.
In this introductory guide to the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam, we have looked at just a couple of strategies you need to bear in mind. These are not the only strategies, of course, but what they do is put the exam into its proper context, allowing you to acknowledge the work you must put in to succeed at this exam. We first looked at exam strategy, where we highlighted how practising the same style of question under the same defined exam conditions will prepare you psychologically for the test. Then, we looked at a couple of study strategies – ones you will need to practice in the weeks and months ahead.
With the right study materials, you will be able to sit down and make a study plan. This plan will define the times you will be able to sit down and study for the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam. Free from distractions and with the right study materials to hand, you can now begin. This study will invariably involve performing some degree of reading and writing to cement the words you learn, while participating in quizzes to prepare you for the type of question, as well as providing a form of self-assessment that lets you know if you have improved. Always learn from the self-assessments, as they are designed for exactly that purpose.
By participating in our program, you will have the opportunity to engage with these self-assessments, as well as benefit from the wide range of resources we have on offer that specifically cater for the needs of the ASVAB Word Knowledge exam.
If you would like to learn more about exclusive resources you can use to pass your ASVAB Word Knowledge exam, click here for more!