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Testing Tips

Do not be afraid to ask an examiner if you are not clear on the meaning of a question - chances are other candidates are having exactly the same problem you have.

Testing Tips Two

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Study Techniques

Effective study is essential to successful outcomes in your ASVAB test. Knowing how to study is just as important as knowing what to study. This section covers such study techniques in detail, meaning you can make the most out of every study session.

asvab study strategy

Military candidates often know what to study, but do they know how to study? This important question should underlie every hour of study you partake in, as you should aim to maximize each study session to get the most of out it. Unfortunately, many candidates get into terribly bad habits, resulting in unwelcome inefficiency and an inability to grasp a subject in the required detail. Luckily, we’re going to alleviate you of many of these bad habits by providing you with the best study techniques to help you pass your ASVAB test – techniques that you’ll need to put into practice from the very outset of your ASVAB test study.

Many ASVAB test candidates’ view studying as a means to an end, rather than valuing the activity for what it’s worth. Studies show that candidates who value the art of learning are more likely to perform better than those who treat studying as a chore. In other words, you need to understand the value of what you’re studying, how it helps your career, and why it’s necessary to be examined. Once you change your mind-set about how you should study, you’ll require less time to understand a given topic. Avoid negative and pessimistic thinking about studying and, instead, learn how to value the skills and abilities you’ll absorb as part of your ASVAB test study.

Top Study Tips!

Where do you study?

Too many ASVAB test candidates choose an inappropriate location that’s not conducive to effective study. You need to find a study location that’s both sufficiently quiet and sufficiently absent of any potential distractions. A library, for instance, may not be the most exciting place to study, but that’s because studying is not meant to be exciting. You’re supposed to make studying a central part of your routine, and this means dedicating adequate time to studying at a given area. However tempting it may be, you need to turn off all distractions, such as the television, radio, and mobile phone.

us asvab test
  • Bringing it to the table

Try to avoid bringing unnecessary items to the study area. For instance, you might bring extra books and resources that you’ll probably never consult, or maybe you’ll have your phone in the corner waiting to vibrate at any moment. There are only two things you should have at the table: the exact study materials you need to study as well as the tools to write effective notes. Everything else is not required and only serves to either clutter up your study area, or serve as an inconvenient distraction. If, however, you find that a certain type of music enhances your study, then by all means have it by your side – but be aware of the fine line that exists between music as a benefit to study and music as a distraction!

  • Utilizing Memory Aides

Mnemonics are memory devices employed by many students with the aim of making something easier to learn. These mnemonics, however, are not for everyone and if you find they’re not for you, then move on accordingly. There are many different types of memory aides, besides that of mnemonics, and we deal with the most prominent of these in your ASVAB Test Study program resources. If you can condense a lot of difficult information into one convenient memory aid, you’ll already reduce the amount of time required to study something. These aides are also particularly useful during your ASVAB test as they’re usually easy to recall and therefore simple to apply.

Learning how to study effectively will save you tremendous amounts of time in the long-run – time you can invest further into attaining a higher result.

  • Quiz yourself

The best way to know if you’ve understood a topic is to quiz yourself. At ASVAB Test Study, we’ve provided you with hundreds of questions, covering the entire spectrum of military exams. You need to take the time to study each of these questions and, more importantly, focus on the questions you got wrong. ASVAB test students have a habit of focussing on the amount of questions they got right, when in fact they should be focussing on all the questions they got wrong. After all, you can only improve your knowledge of a subject by fixing those areas you don’t understand. Let a quiz act as a blueprint of what you don’t know, and act accordingly on the questions you get wrong.

  • Make an ASVAB test study timetable

Passing your ASVAB test will only happen through effective organization, preparation, and application. The first two of these should be structured in the form of a timetable that accurately reflects the times you’ll definitely be able to study. Avoid fantastical timetables where “you might” be able to study at a given time. You need certainties, and these certainties must take the form of a realistically structured timetable. Try to organize your timetable such that you study for 50 minute sessions, taking 10 minute breaks thereafter. Avoid studying for prolonged periods of time as this will only hamper your performance in the long term. Try to incorporate a sufficient amount of hours per week into this timetable and, more importantly, learn to stick to it!

Even More Tips!

  • Breaking down your ASVAB study

Avoid taking on too much in one particular study session – always choose a manageable amount of material to tackle and devote all your time in committing this to memory before moving onto the next subject. Moreover, you’ll need to structure how you study this material. The best method is as follows: take a quick look over the subject you’re about to study, glancing at the headings and aims, acquainting yourself with the subject. Only from this point should you read and study the material from beginning to end, spending the most time on what you don’t understand. Try to avoid skipping sections you don’t understand as this is unproductive and counter to the aims of your ASVAB test study session.

  • Stay Healthy

If you wish to successfully pass all aspects of your ASVAB test, you’ll need to invest the time in developing a suitable diet, nutrition, and exercise program. You need to stay alert at all times during your study, and regular exercise has been proven to help achieve this goal. Moreover, eating healthy food will have the effect of giving you more energy while averting negative feeling such as pessimism and fatigue. Moreover, an effective fitness program is also necessary for many military roles, so you’re compelled even further to learn about this subject as well as applying what you learn in real life scenarios.

  • Rewrite your notes!

Whatever notes you take through study sessions, try to continually revise, update and, more importantly, rewrite them. The ability to put a subject into your own words is the key to this goal. You need to avoid writing notes verbatim as they’re written either online or in print. Writing notes in your own words is a testament to understanding the topic as well as rendering it easier to commit to memory. If you fall for the method of copying notes, you could put yourself into a false sense of security by thinking you understand the notes, when in fact all you’re doing is copying. Be original, write your own notes, and continually rewrite them to commit the information to memory.

  • Know the objectives of your ASVAB test study

Always understand the level of detail you’ll need to know for a particular topic. Try to avoid deluding yourself into thinking you understand a topic in detail when in fact you only understand it on an artificial level. This heavily relates to the point on quizzing above, which determines whether or not you’ve attained the requisite level of understanding. At the start of each ASVAB test study session, always note, either in your mind or in print, what the aims and objectives of your session is. Try to stick to these goals, without skimping on content, to guarantee you’ve met all required objectives.


Passing your ASVAB test is just as much about smart studying as it is about what to study. At ASVAB Test Study, we offer all the resources and quizzes you require to succeed at all nine ASVAB test exams – whether it comes to the electronics information test, or even the paragraph comprehension – you will have it covered. This section aimed to help you make the most of these resources, through effective study strategies you can easily implement next time round. If you can, motivate yourself through each study session, knowing that successful completion of one subject puts you that much closer to attaining your goal of becoming a certified military officer. With our resources, these tips, and your commitment, you’re guaranteed success in meeting this admirable goal.

us military exams

In the third section of this guide, we will provide a comprehensive analysis of the shop information element of your exam.
