Exclusive content to help you pass your ASVAB test!
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If you are interested in enlisting in the US military, you will need to pass the ASVAB exam. Here, at ASVAB Test Study, we provide you with all the resources and study materials you need to succeed at this exam – including access to in-depth tutorials, handy study guides, and hundreds of quiz questions.

We will equip you with all the resources you need to deal with the demands of the ASVAB exam.

Pass your
ASVAB exam today

We cater for all service branches in the armed forces through use of our specialised resources.

This is what
We can offer you

We offer comprehensive preparation for the needs of the ASVAB exam.

The Dashboard

The dashboard contains all of our exclusive resources, neatly subdivided between all nine sub-tests. This means you have the opportunity to check your progress, helping you advance within our program by ticking off each and every section as you complete them.

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Progress Bar

Note your progress as you advance through our resources, helping you measure your improvement.

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Completed Items

Tick off each and every section as you complete them. motivating you to do the best you can

Articles and Tutorials

Our articles and tutorials cover each of the nine sub-tests of the ASVAB exam. These tutorials offer a comprehensive review of key concepts, an in-depth analysis of content, as well as exclusive exam strategies to maximise your result. Along with our study strategies, we will prepare you to pass your ASVAB test.

Our tutorials have been designed by experienced military personnel to deliver the best result.

Quiz System

Quizzes are central to your ASVAB study, as they offer you the chance to experience the type of question you will face at the exam. Our program contains hundreds of such quiz questions – each modelled on the style of question you can expect to see on your test.

Are quizzes are both relevant and informative, as you have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Plus, our handy timer allows you to replicate exam conditions, preparing you even further for the needs of the exam.


You have the chance to experience real-time exam conditions with our practical timer.

Need help?

If you have any questions, contact us below and we’ll get back to you very shortly. In the meantime, check out our common questions for even more information.

Want to Pass Your ASVAB Test?

Become an ASVAB subscribed member today to gain access to our exclusive resources – passing your ASVAB test has never been easier!